Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Thank you to Mirthy for bringing this article to my attention.

Taliban Use Beheadings and Beatings to Keep Afghanistan's Schools Closed
By Tom Coghlan
The Independent UK

Tuesday 11 July 2006

The letter pinned overnight to the wall of the mosque in Kandahar was succinct. "Girls going to school need to be careful for their safety. If we put acid on their faces or they are murdered then the blame will be on their parents."

Today the local school stands empty, victim of what amounts to a Taliban war on knowledge. The liberal wind of change that swept the country in 2001 is being reversed. By the conservative estimate of the Afghan President Hamid Karzai, 100,000 students have been terrorised out of schools in the past year. The number is certainly far higher and many teachers have been murdered, some beheaded.

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