Wednesday, July 12, 2006


...but little of it was to benefit the Iraqis.

They spend days and days arguing legislation on gays, gambling, flag burning....but none of them give a shit about this.

Morning Edition had a report Tuesday about the investigations that have been opened by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction where they are looking into the billions of dollars that have just disappeared when handled by Bremer's Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). The story covered how Bremer, who was put in place by the Pentagon, was completely unprepared to manage the post-invasion rebuilding effort and about how many people signed up to volunteer to help but were totally out of their depths as they didn't have the experience needed for this type of reconstruction work. Many only came over for three months or so, worked long hours and then were replace by someone else equally out of their depth. (And, of course, who can forget one of the key "volunteers" for this noble task: Simone Ledeen, the daughter of Michael "Americans Love War" Ledeen, as she and a few of her Heritage Foundation friends struggled to manage the $13 billion dollar budget?)

Within this constantly shifting set of personnel, Bremer had written regulations that were extremely flexible which as we now know were devised to help transform Iraq from a somewhat socialist society to the brave new world of Ayn Rand: the free market unfettered by regulation which would show how the free market creates the best human society.

Read full article here

Question Girl