Friday, June 23, 2006


Sorry to dirty my blog with Malkin, but this is just too funny not to post. Perhaps this is what the Miami deal was distracting from....not that I'm not glad they arrested the whacked out guys, but c'mon. Anyway....this has got to be the stupidest woman in the world. Either that, or she's really a comedian. Or Karl Rove installed a chip in her head. Or or or or......

By Michelle Malkin · June 22, 2006 11:43 PM
***update: The Los Angeles Times piles on and flaps its mouth, too...The story is the blabbermouth media's refusal to act responsibly and learn when to shut up...***

Dammit. These people don't know when to stop. The anonymous leak-addicted NYTimes tag team of Eric Lichtblau and James Risen is at it again. Their front-page, splashy piece posted on the web tonight and top-linked on Drudge:

Bank Data Sifted in Secret by U.S. to Block Terror

"Secret?" Not anymore.

Read the rest of the comedic post here.....but be sure to shower afterwards.

Question Girl